Tuesday, September 11, 2007

geriatric giraffes

just read in our local news about the world's oldest giraffe, Hildy, dying this morning. she was born and raised at the Dallas zoo. i remember seeing her and feeling the same now as i did then: sad. sad that she never knew what it was like to live in the wild. granted animals in captivity live longer than they would in the wild as they are protected and have health care, but does it make it right? and how would you miss what you never knew? not to mention the smell.. you ever take a big whiff by the elephant and giraffe enclosures?
here's a cool thing to do next time you go to the zoo. at the orangutan cages, open your purse and hold it out for them. they will come down and try to see in your purse. it works everytime- tried and true. their curiosity gets the better of them and they can't help but look. they'll sit and stare in to your purse for as long as you let them. i bet they just want a breath mint or a kleenex perhaps. they just need to adopt a grandma.


Suzie said...

I'll bet they are looking for cigarettes or candy. Yum Yum!

Mayor of Bloggaritaville said...

or billy?? ha ha!!!

Suzie said...

Those are all things I keep my eyes open for!