Wednesday, August 29, 2007

savory thoughts

it's always said that you should never go to the grocery store hungry. primarily because you'll buy lots of food you wouldn't have ordinarily purchased, just because it sounded good. i have a different reason: lip licking. casually strolling down the aisle looking for your favorite rice a roni flavor when you spy something that just sounds good. then, to your horror you realize you are licking your lips. it's so not cute, but completely unconscious. so embarassing.


Suzie said...

I always talk to myself in the grocery store. I'm surprised noone has sicked the security on me!

Weezy said...

wuzzzuup!!! just got back and found out my ex-man tried to commit suicide...i knew the news of my marriage and honeymoon would hit him hard but i didnt know it would get to him that much...(ok it was a bad joke but i still thought it was funny) love the random airport thoughts! get your azz on IM tomorrow dammit!!!