Saturday, July 14, 2007


my baby sister lily. she's a cavalier king charles spaniel and very energetic. her hobbies are playing with her toys (knows them by name), eating her chew sticks, eating dryer sheets, eating books, eating plants and oh yeah, chasing bunnies and birds. there is construction going on behind the house in the greenbelt and has apparently stirred up the rabbits. one of which has taken up permanent residence in my mom's back yard. this, fortunately, has provided HOURS of entertainment for lily. when she's not looking for something to get in to, she stands sentry at the back door hoping for a bunny glance. when she does see one, she goes nutty. i was telling my friend alyssa that she sounds like a chimp- you know that screeching noise they make when they're excited- that's what she does... one of these days i'll capture it on camera. i don't know what she'd do if she were to catch one though. silly lily, rabbits aren't for you!


Weezy said...

that expression is priceless! hurry up and get this over with, i have better things to be eating books and dryer sheets!

Courtney said...

Way too cute!!!!!!!!

Diana Joy said...

I was supposed to leave a comment here...but, I got busted at work and didn't have time to comment...
so, I just want to say, "AAAWWWW!
now I will move on to your next post! lol

Diana Joy