Friday, July 20, 2007

high bunny drama

i left out a small detail about lily's bunny... there used to be two of them. but in the past few weeks, there's only been one. i assumed something happened to the first rabbit, but as it turns out they were boyfriend and girlfriend. i let the dog out this evening and she makes a b-line for the herb garden. she's head first in the rosemary bush and I knew immediately this wasn't going to turn out well. sure enough she pops out with something in her mouth. my mom and i corner her and pry her jaws open and out flops a tenny tiny baby bunny!!!!! i start running around the yard in a panic- what to do what to do.. so I get my witts about me. get a box and scoop the poor little wet thing up and put her in it. i knew of course she had to have siblings so back i go to the rosemary bush. sure enough, two more. let me tell you, these things are WICKED cute... look like little chipmunks- they have their hair (they're about 2 1/2 inches long) and their ears are starting to grow longer. what the heck do you do with baby bunnies whose mother is probably NOT going to come back now and who you can't put back in the nest as the dog will get them again. I throw them in the back of the car and zoom down the street to the animal shelter. it's friday night at 8:30- CLOSED. i call animal control as i'm leaving the shelter and they don't know if they'll come (the operator tells me) if the animal isn't injured. at this point i don't know if the bunny pried out of lily's jaws will make it. in desperation i stop at the pet store at one minute till close hoping they might have numbers or something! well these are some lucky bunnies, because Kristine tells me "i'm the small animal caretaker and i know how to take care of them" . relief! poor little defenseless things! and so cute!! i wished in retrospect i had taken a pic but in my panic to get them to safety i forgot. it even looks like the little runt that lily carried off will make it too (i hope).
so here's to Kristine - THANK YOU!
as for lily- i'm so disgusted.. i know she's a dog and that's what dogs do, but i was so horrified!


Weezy said...

i think you need to go back and get pics of the little guys! lily just wants a playmate - i think you should get her a little sister!!!

Diana Joy said...

Hi buffy!!!
I want to see the babies!!!???
Hope you're having a good day?
I am sooooo glad my home girl Lyss introduced us :)
Let me know if it's okay to link :)
Diana Joy

Courtney said...

I agree, we need pics of the babies! That is great how you reacted so quickly.... Good Job and now those sweet babies can grow up and probably make some little boy or girl a great pet!