Thursday, April 17, 2008


finally got a fairly decent pic of one of lily's bunnies. this one is from the most recent batch (there are currently 9 living here now that I know of) and this one is about the size of a deck of cards. that's the good news... bad news is the bigger ones like cilantro and pansies. what lily didn't realize was how close she was to this bunny in particular. after i took this shot, the bunny finally got up the nerve to hop away back under the deck. just as it was hopping towards the deck, lily jumped over her from deck to the grass and never even noticed the rabbit right underneath her. a huntress lily is not.

i've been playing nurse for my mom who had surgery 4/1. i took a week off because she can't drive and when first came home from rehab needed someone home with her. that became a week and a half as she had some issues related to the surgery pop up. thank goodness for a plethora of personal and vacation days at work! am hoping the boss lady will let me work from home tomorrow as i need to take her to one more (hopefully) doctor's appt. then it's physical therapy appts the next 3 weeks! at least i can arrive to work fashionably late without too much ado. thank goodness for understanding bosses!

that is all