Friday, December 21, 2007

merry christmas

merry christmas one and all.... ho ho ho mmmmmm...... hee hee

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


changing my nickname from buffy to snotty. week ago today started coming down with a cold and i still have an over abundance of snot. i like to see how many disgusting noises i can make trying to get rid of aforementioned snot. i know, tmi... sorry. but this has been my life for a week and it's only fair you get to be a part of it. i'm a giving type person like that.

those who say dogs can't see tv don't know my lily. when she was a little puppy i was holding her in my lap and she sat there looking at the screen for a good 5 minutes. volume wasn't even on. well the definitive piece of evidence happened this weekend when was flopped on the floor when some commercial came on. she sat up staring at the screen (had a bright blue background and a guy with a bright orange shirt) and she barked and barked till it ended.

several weeks ago i bought some beautiful yarn at the yarn store to make this super cute felted (wool yarn that's washed so it fuses together) purse. funny part is i don't know how to knit. that's not really entirely true. i can knit a simple scarf, but that's it. the purse requires someone who knows what they are doing. maybe if i fall asleep with a knitting show on tv i'll learn through osmosis? i can't begin to imagine what i was thinking in buying all this stuff. it will be my project over christmas to learn how. my incentive will be that i promise to post a picture of it afterwards. now i have to.